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Brand Name Simplifying 3D Filament Selection

Discovering the perfect 3D printing filament just got easier! MakerDeals makes selecting and comparing filaments from Amazon marketplaces easier. This platform presents Amazon's extensive filament offerings in a straightforward user-friendly table format, complete with filtering and sorting options. May your nozzle never clog, and your filament always flow smoothly!

Showing 2 filaments with a discount from Selected material PETG. Selected brand Amazon Basics.
We update our data every day at 7:00 UTC to ensure everything is up to date.

The Big Filament Table

Price/kg Price Material Brand name Weight Colour Tolerance Availability Rating Affiliate Link
€30.90 €30.90
6 days ago
PETG Amazon Basics
show discounts
1.00 kg black, red Unknown unknown Amazon Basics 3D Printer Filament PETG 1.75mm Black 1kg Spool & Amazo…
Affiliate link: Amazon Basics 3D Printer Filament PETG 1.75mm Black 1kg Spool & Amazo…
€15.50 €15.50
6 days ago
PETG Amazon Basics
show discounts
1.00 kg red Unknown 4.1/5
Amazon Basics 1.75 mm Red PETG 3D Printer Filament 1kg Spool
Affiliate link: Amazon Basics 1.75 mm Red PETG 3D Printer Filament 1kg Spool